Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pure, Unadulterated Fun! Or Panama Beach Life

My intent is not to make you envious. I just have to share some of the good times I continue to have in Panama. Last Sunday, Chuck and I drove to Sitio Barriles (archaeological site dating back to 734 B.C.) and Parque Internacional La Amistad (a UNESCO World Heritage Site that lies partly in Costa Rica). The gigantic leaf covering my body was along the trail. Comment inserted after I published this blog entry:  John DeLapp from the US Fish and Wildlife Service verified this plant is in the Haloragaceae family, genus Gunnera.  The common name "Poor man's umbrella" seems utterly appropriate.
Last night was John's 70th birthday party, complete with Mariachi band (that's Chuck, not me with the beer next to the horn player), great Panamanian food, fabulous beach neighbors, and some of the best fireworks I have seen. I left before la fiesta was over so I could get an early start on today. So far, I walked Chester about 2 miles on the road in front of my house (I was early enough to see the lovely lights of Conception and a beautiful sunrise). At 7:30 a.m. Nina and I went on a 30-mile bike ride. Along the way, we had a pineapple smoothie while listening to a hog being slaughtered across the street (you had to be there). I returned at noon, got a quick bite and took Chester for a beach walk at low tide (my favorite time on the beach). I walked about 2 miles but he ran closer to 5 miles chasing birds. While still with Chester, I saw John (it was his party) and Elizabeth body-boarding. I returned Chester to the house, grabbed my board and proceeded to body-board with them for the next hour. I left Chester behind for fear he would drown trying to "guard" me from the surf. I just completed my second shower of the day (plus 1 shower for Chester). Sunset is approaching, so now I "have" to go enjoy that. Yes, it's a tough retirement, but someone has to do it!


Richard said...

You'll hate this but it's one of my pet peeves...Your opening line should read "My intent is not to make you ENVIOUS."

Jealousy is a resentful suspicion that someone else has what rightfully belongs to the jealous person.

Envy is the desire for something that someone else has, or a feeling of ill will over another person's advantages in general.

Picky, picky, picky, I agree, but words have meanings and the misuse of the word jealous as a synonym for envy just makes my teeth hurt.

That said, I look forward to the times you post new stuff.

Joshua said...

Quite frankly, I tend to solicit the envious responses from my friends and family, if only because I want them to share in the amazing life that can be lived here in Panama! So I continue to share my stories and photos with everybody with the hope that maybe some of them will catch on and venture down here.

So keep on sharing! =]