Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Returning to Panama

Hello Everyone--
It's been quite some time since I last wrote on this blog. I hope you haven't been holding your breath. I have 30,000 miles left on American Airlines (enough to get me from Kona, Hawaii to Panama City, Panama, and return), so I've decided to have a Panamanian Adventure in March. I'll meet my friend Pauline (you'll remember her from previous adventures) in Miami and we'll travel the wild roads of Panama for 3 weeks. As it gets closer to March, I'll write more in this blog.


Lalique said...

happy new year 2012

blogwalking here again


peregrine adventures said...

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Jeff said...

Cool Blog Elaine!
Thanks for the info. Have you ever been to San Blas? If not, you should check it out.

Have fun out there!!